Choose Local Tibetan Travel Agency Make Your Tour Memorable

The air is cool and thin, increasing visibility as the smooth and magnificent mountains stretch into the distance. Besides the wind, the only sound you enjoy is the deep hum of monks praying in the Monasteries that you can see many in Tibet. When you step into the monastery and the air grows still; you will certainly stare up at a giant gold Buddha. You will be mesmerized the sitting serene and calm amongst the incense fumes.


Travelling to Tibet can sound extremely difficult for the first time. Different information sources seem to contradict each other, and even many tours and travels outfitters tell you different things. In reality, travel to Tibet is not a difficult task, better to say it is quite easy and straight forward if you know which local Tibetan travel agency is reliable and providing you with good tour packages. In this post, we will give you detailed information on how to visit Tibet. All of the information listed here in this post is current and valid so that you can rest assured that your trip to Tibet is enjoyable and memorable.

                                                     Palace Potala in Tibet

Why You Should Visit Tibet?

There are various reasons one should visit Tibet. You reasons depend on you. But for those who do not know much about Tibet, then there is a multitude of reasons why should you visit Tibet. The first and foremost reason is nature, mountains and monastery, and especially their culture. You will get to see many things, a few things we are mentioning here. You will visit Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world at 8,848 meters. Also, you can visit the sacred Mount Kailash and other places. If you like trekking, then Tibet is the best place for you. You can trek at Kailash trek, one of the best treks in Tibet.


For those who like old buildings, Buddhist culture, ancient cultures, the beauty of nature and all, there is no better place to visit than Tibet. You will surely enjoy its hundreds of thousands of ancient monasteries and other unique ancient Tibetan Buddhist culture, which will remain green in your memory. If you love nature, there is more to see in Tibet. The awesome scenery of high, snow-capped mountains and the lush green valley will surely mesmerize you.

                                           Beautiful Monastery in Tibet

How to Travel to Tibet?

Foreigners travelling to Tibet must have their travel arranged by way of a travel agency, it is better if you hire a Tibetan travel agency before arriving in Lhasa. You must keep in mind one thing. No independent travel is permitted in Tibet. Therefore, a veteran local Tibetan travel agency you need to help you to travel Tibet easily. You need to obtain a Tibet Travel Permit which is issued by the Tibet Tourism Bureau. This thing will be taken care of by the travel agency. They have an update on new regulations as well. There are other permits available, like Military permit, but if you are travelling for leisure you do not need to know about it.


When Is the Best Time to Travel to Tibet?


The best time is to visit Tibet is when you think it is the perfect time to go! You can visit any time of the year. Moreover winter and cold have nothing to do, so avoid visiting in the low season. You can visit in the month of May, which is the best time to visit Tibet. If you really like to visit in winter, from December to the mid-February is the time, when you can take a trip to the roof of the world, when most of the places are covered with snow. Autumn and spring are the best seasons to visit Tibet, in the time the weather is still enough warm to travel.

                                        Temple Buddhist Monastery Tibet

So whatsoever the reason, you choose to visit Tibet, or whether there are other reasons for going, a tour to Tibet will never be a disappointment. It will always leave you with a sense of achievement and the experience you get from the unique cultures in the history of the world will remain green in your memory.